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Market Street - Unlock all products

Required Tools [Download]:


Credits: Pwnthis

A game by Playdom who brought to your other games like Social City, Wild Ones, Fanglies etc. Look at the screenshot above, my level is only 7 but i am ordering lvl 14 items.

Read This First
Well, I have not had time to explore the database further. Tried out some of the more obvious methods such as changing quantity, prices, costs, transportation time but unfortunately, these doesn't work. My database allows you to unlock ALL products regardless of your level. This may not be much but it definitely makes your leveling easier as the early products are usually 5mins or 15mins. With my database, you can now purchase 12 hour products when you sleep and sell them once you wake up.
Of course there may be some other loopholes that I did not try, so feel free to edit the .xml file and share if you found something that SAVES.

Note: You may encounter some stockroom error when a high level product gets stocked in your shop. Do NOT panic. Just leave the game and wait for a while, it will disappear eventually.

  1. Download required file above. You will need to extract the files inside the zipped folder to your desktop.
  2. Notice the gameable.bundle.20100723164353.xml file (Note: I do not know if these numbers will change in future when they update their version. It MAY change so do take note if you find that its is not replacing correctly in fiddler)
  3. Just DRAG this file into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler
  4. Make sure "Enable.." and "Permit..." are both ticked!
  5. Now, just reload the game. If all products can be ordered, you have successfully used this database. If you cannot order all products, check check check that in fiddler for the line gameable.bundle.XXXXX.xml and make sure the DIGITS are similar to the one you have downloaded. If it isn't, that means the version has changed.


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