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Pet Society - Cash Baits Cheat (Ver 3.2.30)

Required Tools [Download]:

Credits: Slvr


A surprise Pet Society update caused the previous database to malfunction. It has been updated to suit 3.2.30.
Pear - Gummy(10)
Leek - Easter(16)
Strawberry - Valentine(15)
Onion - Halloween(16)
Corn - Christmas/Holiday(25)
Lemon - Bakery(10)
Carrot - Pro Fish(19)
Cauliflower - Cashfish/Fish Biscuit(20) 

  1. Go into Pet Society and buy the foods you want from the above list without replace the database.
  2. Save game.
  3. Download Database from the links above.
  4. Open fiddler and replace database.dat. The rule editor are as required
    Drag database.dat into fiddler autoresponder
  5. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat will be highlighted.
  6. You should already have all the ingredients. So simply go fish and use those cash baits. You will notice that there is a Yellow Dot on the corner. This means that database replaced correctly.  
Fast Fishing (Will not work for latest version of firefox. Try it on Chrome (the 3rd chrome you see in CE) or Safari browser)

  • Cheat Engine (Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
  • Scan 758B00000022820F
  • 1 address found. Disassemble memory region.
  • Right click and Replace with code that does nothing


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