Pet Society - Vacation Individual Items
Tools (Download):
- As usual, download above file.
- Replace shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
- Go to Furniture Shop and purchase any Vacation Individual Items. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 30, 2010 | 0 Comments
Nightclub City - Items Cheats
Tools : Download
- Go to Nightclub city. [click to play]
- As an example, buy 4 tablebars,place it inside your inventory.
- In cheatengine, scan '4' in 4bytes. Now you'll see a couple of addresses.
- Now place 1 bar back in your club. Now there's 3 bars.
- Go back to cheat engine and scan '3' in 4bytes.
- If there's still couple of addresses,put 1 tablebar back in your club. Now you have '2' tablebars left in your inventory.
- Go back to cheat engine and scan '2'. (This time,im sure 1 address will be left, else repeat till only 1 left!)
- Double click on the address and edit the value of the address to 99.
- Remove the last tablebar and you'll notice that you have 99 tablebars now.
- Sell all the bars until there's only 1 left.
- Then go back to cheatengine and edit the value again to 99. And sell it again if you want cash.
You can do this in any items you want.
Sunday, May 30, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - New Food Items
Tools (Download):
- As usual, download above file.
- Replace shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
- Go to Furniture Shop and New Food Items. Enjoy!
Saturday, May 29, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Vacation Packages
Tools (Download):
- As usual, download above file.
- Replace shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
- Go to Furniture Shop and purchase any Vacation Packages. Enjoy!
Saturday, May 29, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - New Homegrowns + New Mysterious Items + Coins Cheat
Tools (Download):
- As usual, download above file.
- Replace database.dat & shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
- Go to Furniture Shop and buy the New Homegrowns & New Mysterious Items. Enjoy!
(Note : For coins cheat remember to sell the Pink Elegant Throne without using Fiddler)
Saturday, May 29, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - New Mysterious Items + Coins Cheat
Credits : oldx3
Tools (Download):
* Fiddler2
* IE, Chrome
* database.dat + shopFurniture2108.dat Sendspace | Ziddu
1. As usual, download above file.
2. Replace database.dat & shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
3. Go to Furniture Shop and buy the New Mysterious Items. Enjoy!
(Note : For coins cheat remember to sell the Pink Elegant Throne without using Fiddler)
Saturday, May 29, 2010 | 0 Comments
Ninja Saga - Quest + Boss Cheat
Credits: Dargon412@fREE2SW4U
Tools: (Download)
* Cheat Engine 5.X
* Fiddler
* IE or Chrome
* Flash 10
* SWF Files Sendspace
1. Clear browser cache.
2. Download above SWF files (code_library.swf, data_library_en.swf, hunting_house.swf ) and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the swf files.
3. Go into Ninja Saga.
4. Now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses.
One Hit kill cheat (use this cheat to kill bosses for leveling)
1. Open a fight with friends, hunting horse or mission. don't click attack/skill
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.X,
3. Process firefox.exe(Browser.exe)
4. Setting tick 'array of bytes' and 'select Also scan read-only memory(ASROM)'
5. Scan '89065E5BC208003B7B54'
6. Right click on adress then select Dissasemble
7. Right click the selected code then select 'Toggle breakpoint'
8. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will freeze)
9. Go again to CE. And click debug > run 2TIMES
10. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
11. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
12. Now your enemy is dead (-;
13. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!
Saturday, May 29, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - New Shop Maker v1.15
Download : Sendspace | Ziddu
Credits : Yagami
Using this tool you will be able to change the items in any shop of Pet Society.
Friday, May 21, 2010 | 0 Comments
NightClub City - Ultimate Coins Hack
Tools : Download
- Earn some coins.
- Open Cheat Engine and select your browser. (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
- Scan "8B 55 EC 03 CA 89 88 98 00 00 00 8B 45 F8"
- Right click on the result and select Disassemble this memory region.
- Right click on the highlighted line and select Assemble.
- Change "mov edx, [ebp-14]" to "mov edx, [ebp+14]"
- Enjoy!
Friday, May 21, 2010 | 0 Comments
Country Story - Seeds Cheat (Ver:2.77.5)
Tools (Download):
- Clear your browser cache.
- Open Fiddler
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*itemConfig\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select "itemConfig.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
- Go into Country Story
- Now you can buy any seed that you want no matter what level you are.
Friday, May 21, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Flowers Topiary Cheat
Credits: Yagami
Tools (Download):
* Fiddler2
* IE, Chrome
* shopFood2107.dat Sendspace | Mediafire
1. As usual, download above file.
2. Replace shopFood2107.dat with fiddler.
3. Go to the Pet Society and buy all topiaries. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 | 0 Comments
My Empire - Add your friends as neighbors without thier approval.
first download nofil2000My EmpireAdder and unzip it in you desktop . It contains a file called nofil2000.html
step 1:
open your web browser and open two tabs : in the first one load nofil2000.html and in the second load facebook home page and log in to your profile
step 2 (Prepare Fiddler)
open fiddler -- auto responder and add the following rule:
if URI respond with C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\nofil2000MEgifts\crossdoma in.xml
crossdomain.xml can be found in the same zip file . change the path according to your path then clear your cache
Step 3:
open nofil2000.html
Click GET ID to get your facebook id
step 4
Paste your friend id into the text box. (one ID per line. no extra space)
step 5
click the button "Arrest them and force them to be my neighbors"
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Coins Cheat (18 - 5 - 2010)
Credits : Sohexy
Tools (Download):
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above database.dat & ShopGarden2017.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the database.dat & ShopGarden2017.dat
- Go into Pet Society.
- Go to the Garden and buy Pink Elegant Throne . It will be bought as Win or Lose box for 150 coins.
- Back to home and open all the Win or Lose boxes then save.
- Close Fiddler
- Go into Pet Society.
- Sell your Pink Elegant Throne for 999 Coins per unit. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Updated Gaint Monster Plushie Coins Cheat (old one is not working)
3- buy 99 Giant Monster Plushies
4- open all boxes
5- turn off Fiddler and reload the game
6- sell each Giant Monster Plushie for 999
7- total you get from 99 = 99x 499 =~50,000
Credits : nofil2000
Monday, May 17, 2010 | 0 Comments
TaneTV || Wrestling, Sports, Movies, And More !
Watch Wrestlings WWE Videos and more at TaneTv || Wrestling, Sports, Movies, and More ! !!
Visit TaneTV Now !!
Sunday, May 16, 2010 | 0 Comments
Restaurant City RCCheat05142010版
1) 100% Stamina for your workers
2) Fast Cook
3) Fast Eat
4) No Customer going to the toilet
5) Fast moving around
6) Fast Eating
Step 1) Login to your Restaurant City.
Step 2) Open up the Restaurant City Combo Tool and select your Browser.
Step 3) Click on the Start button.
Step 4) Click on the Scan button.
Step 5) Wait till the program scan all the address and the rest of the button will be visible.
Step 6) If you need exp just simply click on the exp button to increase it per dishes.
Enjoy and Share this to your friends who play Restaurant City.
by oldx3
Saturday, May 15, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - New Colors For Your Petlings & Wigs
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- database.dat Sendspace | Freakshare | Mediafire
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above database.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the database.dat.
(Added Dark Purple & Plum Red ) - Go into Pet Society and have fun!
Friday, May 14, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Homegrown Items
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- ShopMystery2106.dat & database.dat Sendspace | Freakshare
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above ShopMystery2106.dat & database.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the ShopMystery2106.dat & database.dat.
- Go into Pet Society and enjoy shopping!
Friday, May 14, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - New Items
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- shopMarket2106.dat Sendspace | Freakshare
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above shopMarket2106.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the shopMarket2106.dat
- Go into Pet Society and enjoy shopping!
Friday, May 14, 2010 | 0 Comments
Country Story - Seeds Cheat (Ver:
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler
- IE or Chrome
- Bin Files Sendspace | Freakshare
- Clear your browser cache.
- Open Fiddler
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*itemConfig\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select "itemConfig.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
- Go into Country Story
- Now you can buy any seed that you want no matter what level you are.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Restaurant City - Quiz + Ingredients + Recipe Cheat (Ver:0.9.220)
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler
- IE or Chrome
- Bin Files Sendspace | Freakshare
- You must have food quiz.
- Clear your browser cache.
- Open Fiddler
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select "quiz.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add' again
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select any ingredients bin file that you just downloaded then click save.
- Now you can start you retaurant city and get your ingredients from Food Quiz.
(Tutorial Link To Video )
Credits :
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Restaurant City - Little Food Cheat
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- perk.bin Sendspace | Freakshare
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above perk.bin and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the perk.bin
- Go into Restaurant City and have fun. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Some Cash Items + Cash Petling (11-5-2010)
Credits : oldx3
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- database.dat Sendspace | Freakshare
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above database.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the database.dat
- Go into Pet Society and have fun. Enjoy!
(Link to video tutorial )
Credits :
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Wigs Color by nofil2000 (11-5-2010)
Credits : nofil2000
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- database.dat Sendspace | Freakshare | Hotfile
- Clear browser cache.
- Download above database.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the database.dat
- Go into Pet Society and dye your wig for 5 coins only. Enjoy!
( It will not deduct your Playfish Cash.)
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Zynga Poker Bot – Z-Bot Alpha 10.1
Disclaimer: Cheating, hacking, and botting are against Zynga’s official Terms of Service. Engaging in this activity is not recommended, as it can lead to your Zynga Poker and/or your Facebook account being banned from the service. Cheat and use bots at your own risk.
All Credits go to Kozkon, Fredson and the Pokerbot forum! They’ve made an incredible poker bot!
How to install the bot…
1. Download Z-Bot Alpha v10.0.
2. Open up settings.ini and scroll down to the [Browser]. Change only if you don’t use IE. Save and close if you made changes.
3. Go to your Texas Holdem Lobby. Be sure you have the chips showing on the top.
4. Run the ZingaPokerBotTool3.exe . You need to have the whole lobby showing when you start it up so drag the folder off the lobby screen before starting it. It will let you know when its done.
5. Run the bot.exe. If you didn’t copy over your seats info you’ll need to join a empty 9 seat room. This part teaches it where your seats are and what your pic looks like.
- If you ever change your pic you need to delete all the ini files in your data/seats folder and redo your seats
- After learning your seats it will go into a room via the room chooser instead of hitting play now.
- Every time you go to a new blind room a popup will ask you what the blind is. In the following the big blind is 1000 so just type in 1000 and hit save. Entering the wrong number here will lead to problems like going all in when its not suppose to!
- If you don’t see a popup your browser may have stopped it. Turn off the blocker or try a different browser.
- It should now join a seat and start playing.
- If all the seats are full it will go to the lobby and choose a new room.
6. If all goes well right click the bot in the toolbar and exit. You can now edit your settings.ini and dead_eye_fred.ini to your preferences. The ini help will give you info in what all the def settings do.
You will need to run the zyngapokerbottool again unless you bring over your settings.ini.
(Download here)
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments
Earn more money and to get more experience in FarmVille with FarmHelper 2.3
Using farmville bot you can enter the game to seed, harvest etc while FarmHelper is playing itself.
1) Auto harvest, plow, seed..very fast
2) Bot can help your friends
3) You can plow much more ridges
4) You can expand your farm
5) Exchange coins for experience
6) Get many ribbons much faster
7) Recover some OOS errors
8) Use any gameSettings hacks
9) Buy and sell many objects automatically
10) Flash speed hack (CheatEngine speedhack.dll)
11) Create snapshots
12) Fertilize your neighbors farm and feed their chicken
13) Use your tractor to earn the “Lord of the Plow” Ribbon
14) You can extend bot functionality by using plugins, now you can also create plugins
2) added some api functions
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments
NightClub City - Level 40 Cheat
Credits: dfspeter
Tools (Download):
- Cheat Engine
- Firefox, IE or Chrome
- Flash 10
Tested & Working as at 7/5/2010
- Click to play Nightclub party [Click to Play]
- Open cheat engine (hex, array of bytes, ASROM=also scan readonly mem)
- Scan "0F830F0000008B5DF0"
- Right click the address and select Disassemble this memory region
- Right click the line and select Replace the code that does nothing. Enjoy!
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments
Restaurant City - Quiz + Ingredients Cheat
Credits: fREE2SW4U
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler
- IE or Chrome
- Bin Files Sendspace | Hotfile | Freakshare
- You must have food quiz.
- Clear your browser cache.
- Open Fiddler
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select "quiz.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add' again
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select any ingredients bin file that you just downloaded then click save.
- Now you can start you retaurant city and get your ingredients from Food Quiz.
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments
Casino City - Coins Cheat.
Cridits : CaRlOsGg12@foro-trucotron27
Steps :
- Open Casino City
- Open Cheat Engine and select your browser.(
- Use your mouse and point to any gambling game, it will show you ''AAA/BBBB'' like below example "408/2000"

Tick the "Enable Speedhack" and change the value to "0" then click "Apply" to pause the game so the value "408" will not change.

- Scan the "AAA" value.
- If more then 1 result return, repeat step 4 and step 5 untill 1 is result return. (Remember to change the speed 1.0 in order to increase the "AAA" value.
- Double click on the result and it will record at the bottom.
- Right click the result at the bottom and select "set a hotkey"
- Click on the first raw and press "+" button from your keyboard.
- Click on the third raw and key-in your "BBBB" value.
- Back to Casino City
- Press the "+" button.
- Collect the coins.
- Repeat step 12 and step 13 untill you rich. Enjoy.
If you still don't understand please watch the video.
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments
Pet Society - Coin cheat by nofil2000
A Coin cheat is better then nothing . This good cheat to earn coins in Pet society . There is Coins limit on playfish server now so you can get around 100,000 each day so if you want more coins create more account and use them to purchase items
1- download the following database and use fiddler to load database.dat and ShopGarden2105.dat
2- Go to the Garden and buy Giant Monster Plushie . it will be bought as mystery box for 500 coins
3- buy 99 Giant Monster Plushies
4- open all boxes
5- turn off Fiddler and reload the game
6- sell each Giant Monster Plushie for 999
7- total you get from 99 = 99x 499 =~50,000
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments